Friday, July 31, 2009

Really way to design your own book covers!!

I found instructions to make your own book cover and gave it a shot.


1 – Go to “Fake Name Generator” or click
The name that appears is your author name.

2 – Go to “Random Word Generator” or click
The word listed under “Random Verb” is your title.

3 – Go to “FlickrCC” or click
Type your title into the search box. The first photo that contains a person is your cover.
(Use this instead of regular flickr because these are photos that can legally be reprodcuced.)

4 – Use Photoshop, Picnik, or similar to put it all together. Be sure to crop and/or zoom in.

If you create a cover, let me know – I’m going to post a gallery.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Harry Potter Mania!!!!

Ok, first let me say that I am not the type of person who has to see a movie, ANY movie, opening weekend. I try to avoid it actually. The last time I remember doing so was the summer of 1993 when my boyfriend at the time, Brian Gerber, took me to see Jurassic Park at 10am opening day.

That being said, the trailer for Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince was just too much of a pull for me. If I could have I know I would have gone Wednesday night. But no, I went Friday night. A friend took me and his neice, who is one of my patrons here at the library. I nagged him and nagged him until he bought tickets online in advance. Thank goodness.

Before I go on let me digress. Notice I mentioned my library patron...don't forget I am the YA librarian. I feel as such it is my duty to see all the popular books into movies as soon as possible so as to relate to that generation. I am old now, you see, so I need to be hip on the culture. they say that or am I channeling a person twice my age. Yikes.

Ok, back to HP. We were a bit late arriving. By that I mean the movie had not started yet, but the theater was quite full so we were only about 4 or 5 rows back. That's some fun viewing for oldies. There were a couple of nausea inducing scenes, particularly the beginning as we sailed with the deatheaters over London. Woooo....can anyone say migraine? But there were only one or two of those moments. What was worse for me was that being so close you actually have to move your head to follow that action at times. Makes a person feel a bit like a labrador watching funniest animal videos on the pet channel.

Oh, wait...did I digress again. I do that. Look!!! Shiney.....

Back to the movie. I have to say that I was quite disappointed in Order of the Phoenix. So much left out! But the trailer for this one was so great!!! I couldn't wait. And over all I was not dissappointed. Yes, there were plenty of things left out. Since I did not bother to re-read the book before hand, though, I did not notice too much. The dramatic scenes were a bit drawn out and there were moments when I wondered when they were going to get on with it. I was glad that Harry was not played as obnoxious as he was in the book. He was just so whiney about getting no attention from Dumbledore. He was a bit more grown up in the movie, as I would expect he should be with everything he went through in the last two movies. Sheesh! Hermione was not in this one as much as I would like. I think she was in the book more, correct me if I am wrong. Then there is the cave with the Horcrux...I thought they had found Superman's crystal home. I think they could have done better with that. But in spite of a few really noticible CGI flubs (note Draco's hands on the railing when he is standing in the tower looking out over Hogwart's), it was a really well done movie. I was not ready for it to end despite it's 2 1/2 hour length.

Ok, there you go. My adventure for the weekend. Where were the books and yarn? Don't go there people. It's been a busy summer!

Friday, July 10, 2009

DVD: American Teen

Documentary Film

This is a great documentary that follows 5 teens from various cliques through their senior year in a small town high school. We see the ups and downs, the worries about college, relationship crises, and major bitch fests.

I think it would have been nice to see more information about these kids friends and families than was shown. But over all it was a great glimpse into high school experience. Okay, if you are in high school you know what that experience is like, but its a nice view of how its the same no matter where you live.

The best thing about this doc is that there is a one year follow up on the kids to see how they are doing.

Worth the watch.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

by Sophie Kinsella

Becky Bloomwood is now a household name in London since she has been appearing on a daily talk show as their financial expert. She and Luke are a real item. She is finally out of debt. Well, she was but the shopping she has been doing has been controlled...somewhat.

Then Luke springs Manhattan on her. He is starting a new business there and wants her to come with him. She will find a job on American television and life will be perfect. Once there, however, she just can't fight the lure of the 5th Avenue shop windows. When a tabloid exposes her as a shopaholic with no real understanding of personal finance her life is turned upside down and when she needs Luke the most he is not there for her.

In typical 'I Love Lucy' fashion she does eventually find a surprising way out of all the mess. Kinsella had me laughing out loud yet again. Looking forward to #3, Shopaholic ties the Knot.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Confessions of a Shopaholic: Book and Movie

by Sophie Kinsella

I adore the author Sophie Kinsella. She is a great crossover writer for adult/YA. And best of all she is witty. I love witty authors, and they are so rare.

The book is absolutely adorable. Rebecca Bloomwood is a financial journalist who knows nothing at all about finance. What she does know is shopping. She knows so much about shopping that you could say it is what she lives for. And her love of shopping has her deeply in debt.

Becky doesn't even realize how much debt she has because she has a little habit of losing her bills, under her roommates bed, in a nearby dumpster, in the trash bin at work. When she finally takes a look at her balances she realizes that she is in deep trouble.

She can't tell her parents, they and their friends think that Becky is a financial genius. Her roommate is filthy rich, old money, and really just can't understand. Becky is on her own.

In the midst of all of this she meets Luke Brandon, a successful financial publicist. Oh, and he is handsome as well. These two flutter in and out of each other's lives until....

Well, you will have to read it to know. Its hilarious really. Becky just can't help lying at every turn. Some lies had me laughing out loud as I read. She reminds me of Lucille Ball in her crazy plans. And then there is the devastatingly handsome Luke. The book is adorable and an incredibly fun read.

The Movie:

I imagine had I never read the book I would have liked this a lot. It was pretty funny. The problem is that Becky is American, not British. She looses her job and gets one as a financial journalist where she meets Luke who is not a brilliant millionaire.

She still id quite funny and painfully ridiculous. The romance is still a bit adorable. But the funniest bits of the book are left out and the funniest bits of the movie are not even in the book.

I am such a slacker!

Ok, so I have nothing to say about books or knitting today. Instead let's just hit me over the head with the keyboard for being so slack in my upkeep of this blog! Really, I should be tarred and feathered!

Since I have nothing to say of any importance at the moment I will entertain you with an Alyssa story. My Alyssa...princess, diva, evil genius!
First off let me tell you that she has a volume issue. Now, I am not talking about the kind of volume issues most kids have, I mean, this kids is LOUD!!!!! We have to tell her on a constant basis to keep her volume down. It really is a never ending battle.
Well, the other night at dinner I had finally had enough. We were in a restaurant and it was just getting embarrassing. I told her that if she can't turn her volume down she will have to just zip it. Without missing a beat the little genius starts twisting her earlobe. When I ask her what's wrong with her ear she tells me that she is, wait for it...... turning her volume down!!!
I really don't know where she gets these things. This kids kills me.

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