Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First Day of School 2009

Today I took my girls to school. Lily is going into 2nd grade and Alyssa is now in kindergarten, and not baby kindergarten, we are full day in Willinton!

I know that it is normal to be sad when your baby goes to kindergarten, but really I am thrilled. I joke that it's because I will be free of her or that I will be paying less for child care (which is certainly a plus), but really I am excited for her. She is a smart little cookie, and she needs a better outlet than I can give her. She also needs friends her own age. Poor thing spends all her time with bigger girls, trying to keep up and getting frustrated when she can't. And mom just is not that fun, at least not all the time.

She had her outfit all picked out. Her shirt says "I believe in fairies" and her shoes are her 'cheerleading' shoes. I told her it was going to be hot, so maybe we should leave the leggings off (plus they are all baggy, despite the fact they should be tight, on her toothpick legs), but she insisted she wear them since they are part of the outfit. Her new LL Bean packback is on backorder, so we used her Tinkerbell one and she is sporting a new Disney Princess lunchbox. I took time last night letting her pick her lunch, and explaining how lunch and snack time worked. I especially stressed the fact that there are two juice boxes in her lunch, one is for snack and one is for lunch, if she drinks them both at snack she will have none for lunch. I wonder if she remembered that part.
We got to school and were waiting in the lobby for the first bell. She wanted to go up, but we couldn't yet. She was just so excited. She had already informed me on the ride to school that she was going to go up to class by herself. (well, well) I looked around and saw many moms I knew. A few were very teary eyed and I have to admit I felt kind of bad that I wasn't. I tried to be sad at that moment, but I was just happy for her. When her teacher, Mrs. Walter, walked by to go get the other kids from the bus she invited Alyssa to go. Alyssa hopped up and headed out. I had to ask for a goodbye kiss, and off she went. I waited to see her come back through on her way to class. She waved and then proceeded to tug at the back pack of the boy in front of her and boss him around. That's my Diva.

In the meantime, I was waiting with Lily. She had asked me to walk her to class, despite the fact that she has been at this school since she was 3 (preschool as well) and was just in her class Monday. So, we waited, and talked to some of her friends.

She had picked out her own clothes and I have to admit, she looks so stylish. Not a girlie girl, but at least she loves pink. How do you like the shoes? You better, they cost me $40 on sale! They are Sketchers Twinkle Toes. If you do not have a little girl you probably have not noticed the commercials for these shoes. Both girls wanted them desperately, and Alyssa was devastated that they do not come in her size. They are like Converse, but they slip on. They also have rhinestone all over the toes. In this case they have pink rhinestones and the sides have roses, hears and skulls, in a tattoo motif. There is also a plastic rose charm that hangs off one. Lily LOVES them!!! And she loves the new haircut that I gave her in the kitchen Sunday night with a pair of kitchen shears. That's right, I have skill!

So, finally I get to take her up to class. I am thinking, "Please don't have a break down, Lily." We get there and they have to put their lunches in a bin in the hall and use wipes on their hands before they go in because one student has severe allergies. Lily knows the routine, she had him in her class last year and is always concerned that she does it right since she is a good friend. Once the routine gets going she loses all thought of mom and is off. I was so proud of her. Any of you who know her know what a milestone that is for her.

So now, at work, I look at the clock and anxiously await the time when I can call and see how their day went. Alyssa will no doubt be exhausted. Lily will probably not have much to say. And I may just get sad finally, because they go home to Dad's house today and I won't see them until Sunday night. In fact, I feel a little sad right now.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Three Girls and Their Brother

by Theresa Rebeck

As the title suggests, this book is about 3 girls and their brother. In fact, they each have a turn telling the story. The siblings are grandchildren of a man who is quite famous in the literary world, though not so much with the majority of Americans. On top of that minor notoriety, they girls are incredibly gorgeous and all have magnificent red hair. These two factors land the girls a photo spread in The New Yorker, a dream come true to the older two Heller girls.

The youngest girls and her brother/best friend are not interested but go along for a lark. Little do they know that fame, and all the unexpected and unwanted things that come with it are around the corner. Fourteen year old Amelia, becomes an object of desire to a 40-something famous actor and when he gets too touchy feely, she bites him. When it gets in the tabloids, it opens up a new future, and a living hell, for all the family.

This is a fascinating story about the underworld of fame. It is definitely for older teens and adults. Although the characters are teens, they are put in many adult situations and there is adult language as well.

Monday, August 17, 2009


by Jennifer Stafford

YES!! Back to some knitting posts. Well, sort of. I still have had no time to knit, but I did look this book over and can review it for you.

This knitting book had a very thorough and useful instructional section. For this reason only I give it 3 stars. The patterns in the book where not what I would expect from such a uniquely titled book. I would expect unusual, unique, bizarre, and even kinky patterns, but other than the mohawk hat there was nothing even remotely unique. I found the patterns boring and cliche.

That is the best I can do. I think perhaps 10 years ago this book would have been cutting edge for knitting patterns, but there are so many original designs today that they will have to work harder than this to pull me in. I think the only reason this book sells at all is the titillating title.

Shanghai Girls

by Lisa See

This is a touching and heartbreaking story of two sister from Shanghai, Pearl and May. They are free spirited modern young women in the 1930s. Then their father loses everything and gives them as wives to pay off his debt. Their journey to the United States and the life they make here is full of tragedy, but also moments of hope and beauty. Underneath it all, though, there are family secrets and the hidden jealousies of sisters.

I have never been one who is interested in Eastern cultures, but this book fascinated me. This is a hallmark of a good book to me. If the characters or setting capture my imagination enough to make me want more then I know the author has done her (his) job. I will be reading more of this writer.

What really fascinated me about this book was the description of life for the Chinese during WWII and the Cold War. While I was shocked at their treatment I also was saddened to think that we have done the same to people of Middle Eastern descent in recent years. It really spoke to me about how we have not changed.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Daddy Long Legs

by Jean Webster

This is an old book, a classic that is now often categorized as YA or even children's literature.. We do not have a copy of this book in the library, but I think I am going to buy one. It was truly an entertaining read and could well be adapted to modern times. Maybe I will do that in fact. But for now I will just review it for you.

It's a story about Jerusha Abbott who was brought up in an orphanage. Jerusha is a bit to imaginative for a proper girl in the earliest part of the 1900s. When she turns 18 she really has no where to go and is kept on in the employ of the orphanage until one of the trustees offers to pay her way through college and give a monthly allowance because, known only as John Smith, believes she has great potential as a writer. She is required to write to him monthly and told not to expect correspondence from him.

The story is told through the letters she writes to him. First off she renames herself, Judy at college and nicknames her benefactor 'Daddy Long Legs.' Many of her letters are preoccupied with imagining who he is and what he looks like and asking for an occasional response. She gets one of two responses over the many years she writes, but never any information about him.

The letters are very funny and sometimes silly, nothing like you would imagine from a young woman of that time. Except for the language you would expect the same letters from a young woman today. I could imagine Audrey Hepburn as the character of Judy. In my mind she is one of those silly, slightly awkard, and very unconventional girls that Hepburn so often played in films. I was completely amused by her imaginings and descriptions of college life. And there is of course, a little vein of a love story with in the book and the mystery of who her John Smith truly is.

The book is not long and is a very simple and quick read. I definitely recommend it to just about anyone who wants a light, funny story to pass the time.
There were many film adaptations of this book as well, including on with Fred Astaire, that apparently was very far off from the original story. I have requested a copy of the movie and will review it as well.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My Blushing Little Bride to Be

Have any of you ever heard of these women who say they have dreamt of their weddings since they were 5 years old? How many times have movies or TV parodied the woman who has collected Bride magazine clippings since she was 12 in prepraration for her wedding 15 years later? Well, folks, I am apparently raising one of these little girls. Who can guess which one?

Since she was 2 I have noted Alyssa's fascination with weddings. She will pick a flower and announce that she is saving it for her wedding. She has told me that daddy and I are not married really because she wasn't there to witness it. She teased the 9 year old son of a babysitter with sing-songy taunts of, 'I'm gonna marry you!!" If you ask her what her favorite part is of any Disney movie she will tell you that its the wedding.

(yes, we own this book)

Well, she has topped it all now. Her next birthday, number 5, is already on her mind (it's not until November) and she already has it planned out. Can you guess what the theme might be? That's right, folk, WEDDING!

She wants a doll cake (you know, the one where the skirt is a cake...she had one last year) wearing a wedding dress. And she knows that Stephanie (a friend and babysitter) has these tiny little 3 tier cake pans and she wants two tiny wedding cakes as well.

She wants it all in white and silver and 'Remember Mommy, weddings have lots of flowers!' I wonder if there will be a little boy from class by then that she forces to exchange vows with her.

Can you stand it? How much cuteness can one mom take? Maybe she will be a wedding planner, but I fear it will end up costing someone a fortune someday for the ultimate princess wedding.


Monday, August 3, 2009

The Time Traveler's Wife

by Audrey Niffenegger
Since I have been seeing the commercials for the upcoming movie version of this book I felt it was time to review it. I read it a few months ago and can honestly tell you it is now my favorite book. I may have to give it another quick read before the movie, but I remember it well enough to tell you about it now.
First let me say that from what the commercials show it seems like a 'girlie' book. If the commercials are portraying the movie correctly it has been turned into a chick flick but I really hope that is just an advertising trick to turn it into a date movie. Please, please, please let there be more to the movie than they are showing.
When I read the book I did not see it in any way as 'girlie.' It is told from both the wife's and husband's prosepectives, though through most of the book they are neither wife or husband. The story is really more about the life of Henry De Tamble (the Time Traveler) and I read it as a sort of autobiography/biography of his life. Of course there is a love element to the story. It is in no way a sappy love story, though, it is quite painful.
Without giving too much away I will tell you that Henry began spontaneously time traveling around age 6. He can't control it or predict it. He also travels without anything material, which means he shows up wherever he is going naked and penniless. One of these trips takes the adult Henry back to meet his future wife when she was a child (age 6 or 8, can't remember). Of course, he does not reveal their future relationship, but he ends up there with her often enough to really know her as a child and she grows up in love with him already.
Yes, it is very confusing. Your whole sense if time and space gets warped reading this and the weird part is how you get used to it the more you read. There are tense moments, funny moments, and tragic moments through out the book. The highest praise I can give Neffenegger is that no matter how sad, scary or confusing it gets, it is always amusing and never far fetched.
I cannot recommend this book enough. Please read it before you go to the movie. If I had to pick one book to read over and over for my entire life it would be this one. There is just so much depth to the characters that I think you could never get enough of them.

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